Sunday, November 29, 2009

Desain interior Elegant Minimalis

Desain interior ini kami buat untuk permintaan dari Bakpao Telo yang ingin membuat desain interior kafe INTELOKTUAL, sebagai kafe penghubung antara dua kota Surabaya dan Malang. Kafe ini diharapkan mampu memberikan nuansa yang nyaman bagi para pebisnis maupun pengendara yang melintasi jalan utama antara kota Malang dan Surabaya. Konsepnya: terkesan smart karena terdapat fasilitas wi-fi untuk koneksi internet, fast food, ticketing gratis dan sebagainya.


Desain Rumah Minimalis

Desain rumah akhir-akhir ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Kita bisa mendapati berbagai jenis desain rumah yang berkembang di masyarakat dewasa ini, antara lain desain rumah minimalis, modern, mediterania, klasik dan sebagainya. Hal ini merupakan keharusan sesuai perkembangan jaman, kita semakin menyadari bahwa peran desain dan arsitek sangat berpengaruh bagi keindahan desain rumah kita.

desain rumah minimalis modern
Desain rumah bergaya minimalis adalah yang perkembangannya sangat pesat akhir-akhir ini. Kami mendapati banyak orang menghendaki menggunakan desain gaya minimalis untuk mengikuti mode. Biasanya kalangan yang tertarik untuk menggunakan gaya desain minimalis adalah dari mereka yang masih berjiwa muda. Para eksekutif muda menyukai desain bergaya minimalis, karena gaya yang ini dipandang praktis dan dapat mewakili gaya hidup modern mereka.

Sebenarnya, desain gaya minimalis bukanlah sebuah gaya arsitektur saja, namun dibalik itu, gaya ini memiliki jawaban atas tantangan jaman yaitu mendapatkan 'hasil maksimal dari sesuatu yang minimal'. Bisa jadi ini merupakan dana pembangunan yang minim, atau gaya hidup yang diminimalkan. Seringkali gaya ini dipakai karena keterbatasan dana, namun menjadi sangat menarik karena dengan keterbatasan ini kita masih dapat mengikuti mode trend arsitektur terkini.

Dubai Has Always Been Bankrupt

Dubai is finally financially bankrupt – but it has been morally bankrupt all along. The idea that Dubai is an oasis of freedom on the Arabian peninsular is one of the great lies of our time. Yes, it has Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts and the Gucci styles, but beneath these accouterments, there is a dictatorship built by slaves.


desain interior


desain rumah dengan lokasi terbatas

Saya sering kali mendapat kiriman email atau komentar-komentar di weblog ini yang meminta referensi desain rumah, perlu diketahui bahwa antara 1 desain dengan desain yang lain selalu berbeda. Hal yang menyebabkan setiap desain berbeda adalah: space/lahan yang akan ditempati membangun rumah atau bangunan biasanya tidak sama, dan kebutuhan ruangan dari tiap-tiap keluarga juga berbeda.

Tetapi untuk sekedar referensi, atau jika kebetulan ada dari gambar-gambar (sketsa) yang saya tampilkan berikut ini ada yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dan areanya (space) juga tersedia silahkan saja anda pergunakan.

Gambar (Sketsa) Desain Rumah

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Gambar (Sketsa) Desain Rumah

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Gambar (Sketsa) Desain Rumah

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Gambar (Sketsa) Desain Rumah

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Gambar (Sketsa) Desain Rumah

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Gambar-gambar diatas adalah kumpulan beberapa gambar sketsa yang tidak jadi dipergunakan, dalam artian sang owner meminta revisi sehingga gambar-gambar itu menjadi tidak terpakai, dan saya pikir akan lebih baik ditampilkan di web ini saja, karena mungkin pada beberapa pengunjung.. gambar-gambar ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau mungkin dipergunakan.


Modern Design

Modern Minimalist living room


Interior Design

Before you start considering spending your hard earned money on decorators and interior designers maybe you should consider carrying out the work yourself.

You will find it fun and exhilarating , watch your home come alive with your designs and ideas. If you want to redecorate your entire home interior design software might be the way forward for you, especially if you don't want to hire a decorator.

luxury house interior design


Braaten Cabinets

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Stop in at our showrooms in Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota. Join our growing family of satisfied midwestern customers. From Brainerd, Detroit lakes, and Fergus Falls, Minnesota to towns across North Dakota, Braaten Cabinets' commitment to excellence is often imitated, but never equaled. 

That great space you are dreaming about is closer than you think – what are you waiting for!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Penjualan Perumahan di Jakarta Naik 75%

Jakarta - Pada kuartal III-2009 penjualan perumahan di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya meningkat 75% atau mencapai 2.560 unit dari kuartal sebelumnya yang sebesar 1.400 unit.

Foto: dok.detikFinance

Demikian disampaikan oleh Head Of Research and Consultantcy Procon dalam Property Market Outlook 2010 oleh Procon Savills di Gedung BEI, Jakarta, Rabu (11/11/2009).

"Kenaikan penjualan tersebut dikarenakan sebesar 42% dari pasokan baru telah diserap pasar (terjual) dan daerah Bogor sendiri menyerap sekitar 35 % dari penjualan pasokan baru," ujar Utami.

Kemudian Utami menambahkan selain dari keyakinan konsumen/pembeli yang menguat seiring dengan membaiknya ekonomi, suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) yang rendah dan stabil juga berdampak positif terhadap bunga pinjaman KPR.


Property tax revenue plummets with home values

As banks feverishly dump foreclosed homes at cut-rate prices, and as neighboring homes change hands at similar bargain-basement rates, those amounts are enshrined as the new basis for determining property tax until the homes are sold again. Under Prop. 13, that basis can rise a maximum of just 2 percent a year, even if the home is worth significantly more. The consequence is likely to be a revenue crunch for the public services funded by property tax revenues.


A residential area is seen in San Jose, Calif., on Jan. 2...A new home is shown in East Palo Alto. A real estate trac...Property tax revenue slump (Chronicle Graphic)

The glass-steel-concrete masterpiece on Mercer Island

mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home

Modern Architecture

Concrete, steel and glass are considered “cold” materials that lack the coziness and warmth of other materials, used in residential buildings. That might be true, but the structures they create are no way inferior when it comes to style and beauty. Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects prove that used in a proper way those three materials can make an outstanding house, like this one, located on Washington’s Mercer Island, Seattle. The house consists of two concrete structures, connected via an exposed steel bridge leading into the main house and to a private courtyard. A stunning floor-to-ceiling concrete fireplace takes place in the living room, which – like the rest of the interior – is double-height. The large windows, or more properly the glass walls, provide clear view to the surrounding areas and to the rest of the house. Though it looks a bit severe and industrial, this family refuge is incredibly beautiful, don’t you think?

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Interior design living room stairs

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interior design

Great Interior designs - Living rooms, bedrooms

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fire place interior solution

mi5 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home

Contemporary architecture night lights

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Modern architecture view from the garden

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Modern Design

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Second floor architecture

Home decoration ideas - Quick makeover

mi9 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home

Contemporary architecture and interior design

More Interior Design and Architecture Links here:


Portas Novas – oceanfront paradise by Victor Cañas architects

pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house

Modern Architecture Sea House with water mirror pool

Victor Cañas architects have created amazing work of art in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

pn4 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house

Night view to the lake from the modern house

Portas Novas, which means New Gates, is a stunning piece of architecture, perched on a vast ledge facing the Pacific Ocean. As you may have already guessed, the view is incredible and the architects had that in mind.

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back yard view

Made by concrete, steel and lots of glass, to the west Portas Novas reveals a clear, beautiful, near 180° panorama of the ocean, and to the east there is not so vast, but still great view to the mountainside.

pn22 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house

Contemporary architecture water mirror

Bedroom Interior Design - Bedroom pictures

General Interior Design Tips

The ground-level water mirror on the western side seems to merge into the ocean, creating even more spectacular scene. Wish you were there, don’t you?

pn3 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house

Pool on the day light

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The Sunset view from this modern house

Bedroom Interior Design - Bedroom pictures

pn6 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house


Light against the dark wood

Light as a participant in decoration

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contemporary architecture and interior design

pn20 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house

main entrance

Modern Home Interiors

More Interior Design and Architecture Links here:


Edge House by Mobius Architects: cutting edge contemporary architecture

edge house , modern architecture, ultra modern house, contemporary architecture
Contemporary architecture - modern House Edge House

Poland-based Mobius Architects have created something modern, beautifully unusual and definitely stunning. The Edge House near Cracow is supposed to be built on an excavated niche on a limestone hillside – a terrain that certainly poses many challenges, but also gives birth to some truly exceptional ideas. Pressed by local building codes which disallow roofs with slopes less that 30 degrees, Mobius had no choice but to find a way to obey these regulations. That’s how the concept for the roof came alive. Looking at the sheer plane pierced by windows and the protruding white terrace, we have no doubt this is the best solution for this peculiar plot.
edge house 2 modern architecture, ultra modern house, contemporary architecture

Garrage view to the modern edge house

The images you see are in fact conceptual renderings, but construction for the house has already begun and is expected to complete at the end of the year.[via]

Interior Decoration Design
Modern minimalist Living Room with fireplace
Modern Bedroom Interior Design
Modern luxury home interior design
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Facade facing the sea
modern luxury house edge house

edge house 4 modern architecture, ultra modern house, contemporary architecture
back yard view to the ultra modern e
Different styles of interior design - Pictures
Creative headboard - Bedroom Design
Decorating With Black And Goldd
More Interior Design and Architecture Links here:

ge house

Snow-white North Bay Road residence by Touzet Studio

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Modern House Night view to the pool and the garden
Modern Future Motor Yachts - Interior and Exterior
Alloy Yachts Ad Lib - Luxury Yahts
Luxury Yachts - Picture Gallery and Wallpapers
Cruiser Yachts - luxury sport yacht
When it comes to luxury homes, especially ones near water, white is always a great option.
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Modern White House by the sea back yard view
Home Remodeling Plan - quick makeover
Floorings and laminate countertops ideas
nursery and smiles
light and wood
Pure, flawless and crisp, white is the color of choice for designers and architects from Touzet Studio, who created this beautiful residence.

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Modern White House with pool and query

Located in Miami Beach, Florida, the 12,000 sq.ft piece of modern architecture has 7 bedrooms and 100 feet of waterfront land that overlooks Biscayne Bay.

north bay road house 4 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
White living room interior design

If you have a surplus of $15 millions and wonder how to spend it, this house is a good option, as it is currently for sale.
north bay road house 5 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
white dining room interior design

north bay road house 6 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
White kitchen interior design

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bedroom interior design white colors

north bay road house 8 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
bathroom interior design white colors
Light as a participant in decoration
Curtains Ideas and Pictures
Home curtains - Interior Decors
home accessories
north bay road house 9 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
garden view to the living room

north bay road house 10 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
Modern architecture white house view to the main entrence
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